English Breakfast

After being exposed to English Culture for almost 2 months, I was inspired to fix myself an English breakfast. A typical English breakfast consists of an assortment of eggs, toast, bacon, mushroom, beans, sausages and sometimes served with black pudding (a type of sausage made from pig's blood). Just fry them all, butter your toast and serve in a large platter with coffee.

I don't have all the ingredient I need to make this so all I can do is to make something as close as possible.
I stir-fried chopped button mushrooms and onions, then caramelized them with sugar. I made french toast and almost turn it into a grilled cheese sandwich. Lastly, I mixed corned beef and boiled potatoes with a little flour and eggs, shaped into patties and pan-fried them.
I just added beans and there you go! I forgot the fried eggs, but this looked good enough, ye?


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