Nueve Cafe at Wilcon Depot?!

There's a Wilcon Depot close by my neighborhood. Since I was in1st year highschool, it's already there and it was my first time to actually get inside and to my surprise there is a small cafe by the entrance. That's a bit odd, don't you think? No? If that's not odd enough for you, take a look at this:
Across the cafe, which is just a stone throw away is a magnificent display of toilet bowls. Cool, huh? Is Wilcon Depot introducing the toilet-themed restaurant to the community? Anyway, the cafe seems nice and I got to try some of their pastries.
Caramel Walnut cake, hot chocolate, which looked like melted McFlurry, huge chocolate chip cookies and a blueberry cheesecake. I'm not really into sweets but it's nice to have some once in a while, just don't look the other way. ^^ And oh, believe it or not, you can order alligator meat from this cafe, you could have it fried and served with rice (a full meal) or you can buy a 250g frozen pack and cook it in whatever way you like. They say, alligator meat is much better than pork or beef since it's low in fat content and it only had 1 calorie per gram. Sounds inviting to hear that but it's kinda hard to believe though. Finally, we bought the frozen pack, just out of curiosity and we grilled it that night.


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