Hey! Remember my Tofu Tacos? If you have flat breads like pita, naan, tortilla or a tasty bread you sat on then here's another fun way to enjoy tofu!
This is the Tofu Tortilla Wrap!
The sticks I used to hold the wrap in place are from a hospital ear bud. Don't worry, I washed them.
Here's how I did it:
1. Follow the instructions on how I did the tofu here.
2. After heating your flat bread on a skillet, from an oven or from a fire type pokemon...

Char! Char! Char lang, teh! Haha XD
... place a good leaf of lettuce and your favorite spread. It could be tuna, cottage cheese, liver spread, whatever. Lay out the tofu and drizzle a good amount of extra virgin olive oil.
3. At this point, you can add whatever you like. You can add shredded cheese, veggie strips like cucumber, plain or flavored yogurt, etc.
I used tortilla and they are best served cold. Chill them in the fridge for about 5 -10 minutes before serving! Best with iced tea or lemonade!