Barbeque Night! Featuring: Alligator Meat!

Ever since our house was renovated, we sometimes have this what we call "Barbeque Night" on weekends. So, we had a couple of meats - remember I mentioned about the alligator meat that we bought here in my previous post? I seasoned it with salt, pepper and a little bit of powdered lime as you can see below in a white bowl.
My brother also made burger patties which were too thick (I already warned him) so it was unevenly cooked inside. He sliced them in half and it turned out good! We also had chicken teriyaki on a stick, 2 medium-sized stuffed squid. It was stuffed with chopped onions and tamatoes and there were other meats on sticks which I never knew or asked what those were but anyway, they taste awesome all the same. With regard to the alligator meat... I forgot to take a picture (I was already busy eating at that time ^^). I found this site about alligator meat and it says.
Alligator meat is considered to be healthier than domestic chicken, especially when it comes to cholesterol and fat content. The most common alligator meat product sold in stores is the tail section. Alligator tail meat is very similar to veal in texture, but is said to taste like chicken, rabbit, fish or frog's legs. Some also compare the tail meat to the white portions of pork. There is also a tenderloin portion of alligator meat, located in a tubular section of the tail.
I don't know if we got the tail, the package didn't say anything but it did taste like chicken to me, but it's a bit harder and tougher to chew compared to chicken. It was okay but it's not something that I would like to have everyday... and it's pricey, too!

I also made some mashed potatoes!
I am such a potato lover! I boiled 4 medium-sized potatoes, added about 2 tablespoons of butter and grated cheese over while it's still steaming hot. I love it!


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